First Aid and Security are available 24 hours a day. Both are located in the lower vendor area, across from the Information Booth.

First Aid and Security are well marked on our program map, their phone numbers are published in the program book.

Any volunteer can direct you to First Aid and Security.

Health Policy (updated 3/06/25)

As always, we will follow NYS, Greene County, and CDC guidelines. For the health and safety of all, we urge everyone eligible (including children) to keep your vaccinations up to date. Thank you for protecting yourself, your family, and those around you.

HC accessibility assistance is available.

HC Parking and Camping are located ON SITE (see on the festival map) and the telephone number for HC Transportation is published in the program book.

When you arrive, ask to be directed to that area.

Special needs or concerns prior to the festival? Call (603) 677-2178 or email Mary Burdette.

Click here for handicapped access information.

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