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Grey Fox Programs & Activities

grey fox programs and activities

Workshops / Seminars

Fun and enriching learning activities abound from opening day thru the weekend at several venues around the grounds.
grey fox bluegrass academy for kids

Bluegrass Academy for Kids

Bluegrass music classes for kids at the festival.
open mic night

Open Mic Night

Grey Fox hosts an Open Mic for early campers.
bluegrass new artists damn tall buildings

Emerging Artists

Each year, we’re excited to introduce our fans to some of the finest emerging artists on the scene today.


Awarded to talented and motivated students involved in bluegrass music.
yoga at grey fox

Yoga / Meditation

Yoga and meditation at Grey Fox.


Information on this year’s raffle(s).

Best Campsite Contest

Our annual best campsite contest criteria.

Wernick Method Bluegrass Jam Camp

Join banjo player and music educator Scott Hopkins and be ready to jam all weekend.