Festival Accessibility Services
Handicapped Access Q&A
Developed with the assistance of a physically-challenged Grey Fox attendee.
Q. If my mobility means I cannot carry a chair, are there any chairs provided by the festival?
A. We do not supply chairs, but we will help you carry your chair from your vehicle. Please let our staff know that you need assistance.
Q. My wheelchair is definitely not low to the ground, is there someplace I can sit in it, where I won’t be in the way?
A. Yes. Our staff will direct you to the HC seating area, which is a tent reserved specifically for handicapped visitors.
Q. If my mobility means I cannot sit on the ground or in a low chair, is there someplace I can set up an ordinary height chair?
A. Yes, we have a seating area for handicapped individuals and we also can accommodate companions on a case-by-case basis.
Q. Is there somewhere I can access electricity to operate medical equipment?
A. Our 24-hour first aid tent is equipped with electricity and certified EMS volunteers who can assist you. The medical tent is located on the midway (across from Info Booth) and is accessible by wheelchair.
Q. Is there a path from parking to seating which is navigable in a wheelchair or on crutches?
A. Yes, weather permitting. We will also have a shuttle for handicapped persons. Please ask for assistance upon arrival and factor in an additional 30 minutes to maneuver from HC parking to the stage area by shuttle. The phone number for our HC shuttle is published in our program book.
Q. Is there a path that is kept clear of crowding?
A. Our Security, Traffic and Safety and Emergency Services do their best to keep a path to the amphitheatre clear. Also, while busy at times, vendor row can be navigated well (again, weather permitting).
Q. Can volunteers be arranged to help me? Should I make arrangements ahead of time?
A. We have volunteers who can assist you. We prefer that you notify us in advance. Please email us or call 603-677-2178 to let us know your needs. On site, please stop in at the Medical Tent and ask for assistance. Phone numbers for First Aid, Security and HC transportation are all published in the program book.
Q. Where can I park? Is the signage obvious?
A. Our HC Parking area is marked. Upon arrival, ask for a Handicapped Parking sticker and after getting your wristband, proceed to HC parking. Our traffic and safety volunteers will direct you. It is in the same location as Performer Parking—and is as close to the stage as we can get you by car.
Q. Are there accessible toilets and handwashing facilities??
A. Yes, they are located near HC camping & HC parking and in the Main Stage area.
For specific questions regarding medical services, please email Tom O’Brien, our EMS coordinator.
Still have questions? We’re here to help.
Email Tom or Mary Burdette.
Or call (603) 677-2178